Welcome to NytroMen Group
LED Party Robots | LED Dancers | Professional Dancers

LED Robots
These Robots are Extremely bright and have digital displays. The Predators also come equipped with an LED CO2 Fire Gun. These guns shoot CO2 with a special affect that makes it look like if the gun is really shooting fire out the front. The Predators are also Tall LED Robots on stilts and have full metallic silver or red suits that reflect all of the lighting and gives a very elegant but, mean look to the full Robot. Our Robots are also accompanied by a Light Engineer who controls the LED Lights through a wireless remote. The wireless remote controls the Light colors, patterns, and brightness.

One of our newest creations made especially for our UK Fans and the Big Blue Nation. This Robot is 8 Ft. tall and has very bright blue and white LED Lights all around. "BIG BLUE" also has a 10-inch display in the middle of the chest for Brand Promotions, display company logo, or play short videos. This is a great feature for your event to go viral on social media. When people see "BIG BLUE", the first thing they want is a picture with it as this is not your everyday common robot.

Tall LED Robots
NytroMen Group Led robots are based in Miami but travel Worldwide for any event or venue. NytroMen LED Robots are about 9Ft. tall and are full of digital and extremely bright LED Lights from top to bottom. Our LED Robots are on professional stilts that are not visible and have more of a natural walk to them. NytroMen Robots are also equipped with CO2 Laser guns and a CO2 Tank that is attached to a backpack.

NytroMen Group
The Full Story
NytroMen Group is an LED Robot Company based in South Florida, Lexington Kentucky and Cincinnati Ohio providing the Best services possible when it comes to LED Party Robots equipped with CO2, LED Dancers, Professional Dancers, Corporate Robots, Trade Show Robots, Advertising Robots, LED Drummer Robots, CO2 Confetti Canons, Brazilian Dancers, Hora Loca Robots and much more.
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